here are less than 10 members but every year we gather together for an annual “conference “. The location of the conference involves a little off road sliding and driving but the end destination is Margie’s quiet, relaxing, comfortable, perfect river front home. Registration fees include – preparing one of the weekend meals and bringing your drinks and snacks of choice. As with any conference there were many interesting sessions.
The 2009 sessions included:
Basics of Crocheting
Remedial Crocheting
Beginning Gardening (Except for Parsley)
Wine Tasting
Chinese Facial Masks & Their Application
Dressing for Success (at a slumber party)
Emotion Cleansing & Replenishing
Attendance at the sessions was very good with only a few drop-outs. We all left with a couple of new skills along with the realization that each of us will always have this great support group that will celebrate, console, and sustain us.