Friday, November 8, 2013

2 Years Later and The Chinese Censors Are Still Around

It is now November 2013 and I was rereading some of my Chinese adventures - I looked back at my entries from the August of 2011 when Cynthia and I went to Tibet - for a few days. I was shocked when I discovered that the link to all my photos from that section of our trip was removed - I renamed it "Southwest China 2011" and put it back in. I also noted that most of my blog entries are missing (which I will never get back - because of course I didn't save them anywhere except blogger). It seems so strange that the Chinese Censors would worry about a web site that most Chinese can't even view (Blogger is blocked - unless you have a VPN account). And if the censors had bothered to read the entires, they would have realized that they didn't have anything that bad or shocking about Tibet/China relations. Whenever blogging about China, I actually tried to remember that I was a guest in their country. I tried to be respectful of their beliefs.  I have kept some of the things I disagreed with - in my head and not on paper (or digital format). Is China becoming so paranoid that it needs to censor a then 63 yr old's ramblings? If the powers that be continue to constrict information - will it backfire? The Chinese people are becoming more and more educated. I worry what will happen if government continues on these lines. It is sort of like how parents treat small children - lots of rules to keep them safe, but as they got older (and wiser) the young adult is given more freedom. Restrictions were needed when 80% of the population was illiterate - that is NOT the case anymore. Whatever happens - the Chinese people will survive- they are very adaptive - but will the government survive in its current form?