Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Court

When you buy a house, you aught to be able to review some sort of rating on the type of neighbors that come with the biggest purchase in your life. Even though the mortgage is still larger that what we paid for my tiny cottage on our dirt road in 1984, I will always believe that I got THE best deal. "The Court"  goes way beyond the " can I borrow sugar or an egg " category. We have yearly " EVENTS"  - predictable ones like the Christmas Eve party at Jay's, Christmas Dinner crammed in my house, August BD parties, and other holiday events. But, the unusual events are the ones that put this neighborhood's rating at the top of the "great neighbors" chart. Besides "Hot Dog Night" with its accompanying required HDN Anthem, we have an annual "WestMarigold Dog Show" that is very loosely modeled after the infamous Westminster Dog Show. This is our fourth year - it gets funnier every year. Beside a lot of laughter, we even raised 1100 dollars for a local animal shelter. If you are lucky enough to live in a similar caring and engaging neighborhood, make sure you appreciate it. It feels very rare in these fast paced times.