When I thought of a Chinese Lantern, the words “ red, oval, hanging, and silk” were the descriptions that popped into my head. During any special occasion (Spring festival, Olympics. Leisure Festival, etc) they display hundreds of the ‘normal’ ones I associate with China but now they have added variations. I think they may have gotten some of the ideas from our blow up Santas and other tacky Christmas decorations (Don't get the wrong idea - I am not putting down any tacky Christmas decorations. If I had the time, money and “Tim the toolman” type of manpower – I would happily compete with the tacky Townsend Christmas Lights.)
Back to the subject- The Chinese are taking storybook, cartoon and other fantasy characters and making colorful silk, ‘lantern-like’ scenes. Some are rather humorous. Make sure you check out size of Snow Whites head in relation to her body in the side photos. I arrived in China too late to take pictures of all the great silk lantern scenes that were being dismantled in Xiasha but I will have my camera charged and ready to go next January.