I have some close friends and we call ourselves the YaYas after the Rebecca Wells characters. We usually have our official meetings at Spanky’s on Friday afternoons so we can unwind and catch up with each other (translate that into have a few drinks and gossip). Not sure how it started but at Christmas we each buy 6 identical gifts to give to each other and simultaneously open them. For Christmas 2006, when we were in Shanghai, Paula bought some really cute pearl necklaces and I bought the matching earrings, which she took back and wrapped for us. I assumed I was going to miss this years YaYas Christmas exchange, but with the magic of iChat and a couple of web cams I actually got to go to the party and see my friends and presents. Wednesday morning at 5:30am China time (the YaYas Tuesday afternoon) I hooked up with Paula’s computer and web cam and “went to” the party. I missed eating the good snacks and drinking whatever the beverage was but I saw them all (they kept rotating their positions in front of the camera), caught up on most of the gossip, and had a great time. Thank you YaYas for a little bit of home! The only sad part was saying goodbye when they all sang “We Wish You A Merry Christmas” to me…… I had to repair all my makeup before I went to class.