Thursday, June 7, 2007

Vermont Small Town Entertainment -Stawberry festivals & Friday Night Horseshoes

What do you do in Vermont when you are nowhere near a movie theater or a big town? Netflix can only fill up so many nights plus it would take more than an hour to get the “construction-scrap filled” living room clean enough to actually use it along with getting the couch released from under its boxes & drop cloth. We practiced horseshoes a couple of nights and going to bed early worked for a couple of other nights especially after mowing for 2 or 3 hours. On the weekends it gets a little more exciting…..

On Friday night in Wells and Pauley the people (mostly guys) get together at a local’s house that has big backyard and a place to steam clams, grill hotdogs, drink a little beer and play horseshoes. There was a little competition between the town of Wells VS the town of Pawlet with the Wells side doing pretty! And they are serious about their horseshoes! The event ended when daylight ended, so everyone went home not too drunk or broke. I was surprised that I had a really good time even though I didn’t throw any shoes. (I still can’t consistently get the horseshoe all the way to the opposite pit even after a couple of nights practice in Zac’s back yard).