Well the two guys before me were not the cleanest dudes in the world, but one of them (known as the “beer guy”) managed to switch out the apartment’s former uncomfortable couch with the one that is marginally more comfortable which was located in the lobby. For that reason I will forgive that fact that the guys never washed the floors and left blood on the wall (beer guy again). I have been cleaning and shopping the last two days. I took a trip to WuMei (think Walmart) my arrival day and yesterday a trip to Metro (think Sam’s). I picked up some survival stuff, hairdryer, cheese, bread, air freshener (beer guy smoked) towel, laundry soap, etc. I have more to get but have to space out the purchases cause there is only so much you can lug home by hand. I still need a few more things like an alarm clock, a broom, cups and glasses – I had to drink my hot chocolate out of a measuring cup this morning.
I am well – getting close to being over my jet lag – I actually slept till 5 this morning, but I am still getting those weird jet lag dizzy spells. Couple more days…
Side note – My ZUFE contract said the 20th so I arrived by the 20th like a “good little follow the rules girl” – but the hotel/apartment building is officially closed till tomorrow– minimal staff. All the canteens and campus stores (including the water bottle store) are closed, no key to my door, not one towel and apartment was not clean. Things are improving –they changed my sheets (after I had slept in them one night – yuck) and I finally got my key card last night (before had to always make sure the desk guy was around to let me in). It is really good that this is not my first time teaching here – because if it was I would have never unpacked. A newbie would have never been able to get to WuMei, or Metro for the basics, how to dial out on the phone, where and how to get water, known how to run the washing machine, what the bus routes were, or known where to exchange money (I am almost out from the $ exchange I made in Chicago – lousy rates so I didn’t do very much). Thank goodness that the first time I was here I had lots of help. Belated many thanks Ms Sun!