Saturday, March 8, 2008

A Ningbo (Hotel?)

No they are not my dishtowels, mine look better than that. They are the bath towels that were included in our Ningbo hotel room. Granted the room only cost 15 dollars, but the night before when we stayed in a very similar and even smaller room close to Ningbo University, and they actually provided us with three regular and sort of thick-ish hand towels. I have to add that I was pleasantly pleased because both hotel rooms had a “throne” toilet instead of a “squatty potty”. And I have to add that the owners of this first hotel were really nice and even made Penny a nice ginger tea for her nervous tummy (she was taking her big English test that morning)

Saturday night we planned on staying in the center of Ningbo and I had assumed that once we got closer to the big city of Ningbo that we would be in a hotel that at least slightly resembled a western style hotel. Never assume….. Obviously we didn’t take a shower (both of the hotels had a bathroom that doubled as the shower) and I used my dirty shirt to wash my face – it looked cleaner.