Mid-Autumn Festival is a national holiday so we got Monday off. I didn’t do anything special because I was giving my back a break from the “adventure” of Chinese travel and because there was lots of rain due to a typhoon off the coast of China. During this holiday people in this province eat mooncakes, look at the full moon, and watch the famous Qiantang River Tidal Bore. Our school is located on the bank of the Qiantang River so we joined the thousands of other students and families in watching this event. This tidal bore is supposedly the biggest in the world, but it still looked rather small to me. Click here to read more about tidal bores.
I was initially more fascinated by all the people that came to watch the small dirty looking wave roll by but I changed my mind when I found a video online of Brad Gerlach an American surfer surfing the “Silver Dragon”. The "Silver Dragon" is a colorful name for this wave that runs from one side of the river to the other. The unfinished bridge that you see in the video is right beside our campus so we might have been witnesses to this event – but I doubt it. We did see a wave runner close to the other side of the river but no surfer.