Friday, November 21, 2008
Crowds Can Get To You
On the way to Shanghai, Andrea and I both had an “incident” in a very, very crowded bus with a short laborer standing behind us. The poor little guy, somewhere in his 20’s, had probably never seen such large white women before and decided to see how we smelled and felt. The part that had me in tears was that he had to stand on his tippy-toes. He “got” me first, then after I maneuvered the object of his infatuation out of the way he went to Andrea for seconds. Beth was lucky and had a seat so she was just a voyeur. With the crowd it was very hard to move away and I was laughing so hard I didn’t think about stepping back and crushing his toes until I had gotten off the bus.
It takes a while to get used to the crowds here and sometimes it can just get you down. So on top of the bus incident, the crowds at YuYuan Garden (which really were not too bad by Chinese standards) really got to Andrea that day….which explains the photo.