It’s cheaper and it doesn’t smell or stain your clothes, the only drawback is having to hold them up all the time. (And if you are tall – you need to avoid getting hit in the eye with other peoples’ sunscreen end spokes). I have noticed that it seems to be an unwritten rule that guys can’t use these Chinese sunscreens. Unlike the boring black, gray, and dreary ones Americans carry around, most of the Chinese Sunscreens are in a variety of pastels so it really looks very colorful to see groups of them on a sunny day.
Side Note: Cathy and I went to WuMei today and as we were leaving we noticed it was pouring outside – Of course we had both forgotten our Chinese Sunscreens so we decided to buy a couple while we were still dry in the store. We tried pantomiming that we needed an umbrella but all they brought me was a comb. I have to start carrying my language book around with me ALL the time. By the time we got the salesgirls to understand what we wanted and bought them it had stopped raining.