Monday, May 9, 2011

The World On the Back of A Bike

Who needs cars and trucks – It is amazing what the Chinese can fit on the back of a motorbike, bicycle or tricycle. Last week I saw a busted Motorbike on the back of a NON-motorized tricycle – unfortunately I wasn’t carrying my camera. Seeing a family of 3 on an electric motorbike is very common and I have actually seen a few that had a family of four. Real motorCYCLES are banned in the cities but are allowed in the country- so you generally only see but can't hear the electric motorbikes. This can be rather dangerous when getting off the bus - because these silent bikes have a tendency to drive in the space between the bus and the sidewalks where you get off.

I got this great picture off the Internet so I can’t take the credit for it but I have seen similar bikes with similar loads, but I just lacked the speed to get an image myself. I will keep trying.