Took me an hour and a half to finally get Facebook up and running on the windows machine – too technical to explain –and maybe if I constantly used the windows machine it would probably be less time –but it is such a pain to try and figure out the CHINESE operating system. Thank goodness I sort of know where things are located on window applications because otherwise I would be lost. I was on Facebook for 3 minutes – got to see the new pictures of Lee’s baby CJ and then was promptly kicked off. SO FRUSTRATING. Got back on for another 20 minutes. China teaches you perseverance and patience.
Side note – I was reading a NY Times online article about Google’s laptop called Chromebook where everything is online including application programs but it assumes that most people (minus 1.3 Billion) can get online anytime (not any time HERE soon). I still get excited when I go to Subway, Daylight Donuts or McDonalds and I can get online with my iPad. The author wrapped up the article by also saying that it was too soon– but it sure will be nice in 5 or less years. (Maybe 7 in China)Side Note: Amy (one of the younger foreign teachers) and I are going to ZhangJiaJie (think Pandora in Avitar) tomorrow by ourselves- I won't have my BFF Cynthia "security blanket" with me - but Amy can speak and even read a little Chinese so hopefully we won't run into too many glitches - except sometimes the glitches can be pretty amusing. Oh - and Cynthia did spend 2 hours with me to help set up the hotel reservations and tell us which buses to catch - how much everything was - etc etc. I should be home with FANTASTIC pictures sometime Saturday night China time.