Friday, July 1, 2011

4th of July Substitute

90th Birthday of the Communist Party

I rode the bus to meet Cynthia at the other side of the river for dinner and fireworks. We ate at a restaurant called MonaLisa which was decorated sort of in the Hard Rock CafĂ© style with American movie posters, fake dinosaurs and big airplane models hanging from the ceiling. They had a Western and Chinese menu but since I will be home in 7 days I figured I could hold out for the real thing and had Chinese – and it was quite good. The riverside was crowded but the fireworks were well worth it. They ran for about 20 minutes and the amount was 4 times what you would see at our St. Simons 4th of July. Changsha usually has fireworks every Saturday night but because this was the 90th birthday of the Communist Party on July 1st - they were last night - Friday but still close enough to the 4th for me to pretend....