Friday, February 13, 2015

Havana Cuba Day 2

Free hotel breakfast followed by a lecture about Cuba / America relationships.

The lecturer was an elderly ex Cuban diplomat with a government approved opinion. He definitely wanted Cuba removed from terrorist list, which increases sanctions even more than our US embargo. 

After listening to the lecturer it dawned on me that Cuba sees the US as a pushy Paula. The thing is ... Since being friends with Paula for 30 plus years - most of her pushyness directed at me has made me move in life directions that ended up being a good thing, just don't ask her opinion on what you are wearing... She will say you look fine no matter what you put on.... Ask her mom. She will tell you the truth and then say " I think you need a little more lipstick"

Our lecturer thinks that the time is ripe for change - Raul Castro ends his term in 2018 - Obama ends his term in 2016. He is predicting another anti-Cuba Bush or Rubio plus he thinks that Cuba 's  future possible presidents, being so young, will be more hostile to the USA because of having lived only during the embargo. Is he trying to scare us into making the changes quicker and to give up more of the US requirements? 

Side Note: it seems that maybe Cuba has a little bit of a Napoleon complex

After the lecture we went to the four ancient squares of old Havana. 

Lots of cobblestone roads except in front of the governors house where the road was paved with the much quieter and way more expensive iron wood bricks. Go figure... Tour of a local printing gallery/studio which had lots of old printing presses and limestone printing stones. 

The ten of us had lunch at a local restaurant. Definitely not a fast food restaurant but the lobster skewers and sandwiches were very good. We did have to hurry to to be on time for the rest of the old Havana tour. Lots of restored buildings and a chocolate candy surprise.

Next stop was at a Cuba libra with a talk with an expat. The place provided books, and free American made condoms. The Cuban government provides free condoms but they are made by the Chinese. Our tour guide said since the government condoms were Chinese sized - that they liked American made Trojans better.

Got back to the hotel and decided to try the internet......MUCH better than we expected. For dinner the ten of us rode in 2 old convertibles. Hilarious! Good Italian dinner with very powerful drinks. I had 2 Cuba libras - Paula wouldn't let me start the second one till my meal had arrived ( very slow service ). 
After getting back to the hotel we worked on our blogs and then charged our devices the only way we could with the strange outlets.