After our crepe we walked to the Aloha Tower located at the port then a bus to the mall for some lunch and retail therapy. On our last bus stop for the day there was a homeless women yelling at the walls. I doubt anyone could help her because she smelled so bad you couldn't get near her. There seems to be a lot of homeless people in Hawaii. Not sure if it is because everything is so expensive or if the weather makes surviving easier. Tents were under road bridges and along the port roads.
Back on campus we explored the different gardens on campus. There was a Japanese garden, a Korean building and a Thailand temple. Every once in while I think I am back in China and not the US with so many Asians living here. But it definitely makes getting good Chinese food easier.
In the garden we were bitten by the tiniest Mosquitos I have ever not seen. During my stay, I kept seeing what I thought were big rats scurry by - turns out they are mongoose (mongeese?) They still look creepy.