Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Fall and a Little of the Winter - 2022

 This fall I took a couple of trips to see Penny and Ted in St Augustine. One for a beach visit 

and another for a UGA vs Florida and Halloween. 

Next St Augustine visit will be for their church wedding the end of December. (Penny is actually wearing my wedding dress - which was also my mother's) 

Also during my visit I got to see one of the launches.

In between visits, I continued my part time work at the Jekyll Convention Center and also pet/house sat for Judy and Ken. The animals didn't give me any problems but trying to figure out their new shower did.....

In October, Laurie, Gail and I drove down to Jacksonville for the very interesting Van Gogh exhibit. I loved watching some of the children be mesmerized by the room. 

In November, Rosemary and David came to SSI for a visit. Good excuse for an oyster roast - right ?!

Ted and Penny came for the Jekyll Shrimp and Grits Festival, which was delicious. Festival had lots of art, bands, and a little rain. It was also the first time Penny had ever ridden on a "Cheese Wagon" 

Living on the coast of Georgia, you are bound to get a couple of storms. This year two. No real damage except for some docks and stairs - just a lot of marsh wrack, and choppy water for the surfers.

Back to Salem for Thanksgiving, Zac's 50th Birthday and Christmas. Zac wanted an iron pour for his Birthday Party - so except for buying beer and sodas, making chili and cupcakes, I had very little prep work to do. Party afterwards in the warmer welding bay where we had food and music. Sarah (Katrina's mom) got Zac oysters so he was very happy spinning records and shucking oysters. 

I had previously watched Zac make the his molds, but never had watched the set up of the furnace and pouring area. Very interesting and time consuming.

Zac's Dragon egg cooling 

 Another first for me - was the Tractor Christmas Parade held in Dorset VT. It was a little drizzly so not as many tractors as expected.