Saturday, February 25, 2006
Wouldda Never Guessed......
Well it wouldn’t be something I would be willing to drive across the causeway for yet, as I have done many times for Willies Weenee Wagon or Dunker Donuts, but it was good! Sit down Nicole and Zac because I just had my second meal of tofu and YES, I actually knew what it was and asked for it (rather I pointed at it..) The above pictured meals are from the canteen below our apartments. We decided to take a picture after Ricky, the Australian foreign teacher, and I had already eaten more than half of our servings. Oh, and I am getting better and better at the chopsticks which is an absolute survival skill because all I have in my apartment are spoons and chopsticks. The TOTAL cost for both very filling meals ended up being less than a dollar. Yesterday a couple a female students took me to their canteen to eat and I ended up having a very good light glassy green, vegetable/pork dish. It sort of had the color of cooked celery but did not taste like it. The students said they would take me to the market one day and point out the vegetable.
According to my trusty pedometer, Nathan (another foreign teacher) and I walked 7 miles to the local fruit and vegetable market. It should have only been about 2 miles but we got lost and had to call our translator, helper, and all purpose Chinese savior, Roger, to give us directions. I bought some bok choy (they have a different name), apples and a couple of bananas. They say you can wash the fruit in soap and be ok – but I figure after just being here 4 days I should stick with the fruit I can peel. I was going to cook something up last night for dinner but I was so tired I crashed and didn’t wake up until 3:30am. Give me another week and I might be able to sleep normally.