Kudos, to the people that can survive remodeling. Especially, if you are living in it at the same time. I am fairly patient but I guess my strong nesting instinct is finally overriding my patience. I can nest almost anywhere and it doesn’t have to be here in my tiny red tin roofed cottage. I nested just fine in the late 60’s when I was moving around from base to base with my Marine Corp husband and I nested fairly well in China. I just need a space that I can call my own with some of my stuff in it. And the stuff needs to be fairly organized.
Obviously, I am remodeling. It was past time to make a couple of repairs on my 1940’s cottage so that it would be a little more safe and livable. I had the outside painted, some rotten decking and siding replaced, the 16 wooded windows in the living room replaced, some rewiring and had my bathroom updated. It doesn’t sound like a whole lot but as Bob (my great contractor) warned me– it is always more than you imagined - not in money but in disruption.
Updating my bathroom meant moving the bathroom door, which meant rearranging the bedroom furniture, which meant getting a new dresser, which meant painting and re-carpeting the bedroom, which lead me to the decision to re-carpet the other two bedrooms also. That decision led to the job of ME actually having to clean out the bottom of my closets so they could install the carpet – not one of my favorite jobs as proven by the number of moldy shoes I tossed out. And then there is the construction DUST to deal with, it can get onto the tiniest places. Can’t they make dustless drywall mud?
They ARE getting close to finishing. Basically, just a little of the bathroom and bedroom to finish. The carpet is being laid today. I am hoping I will have a bedroom to sleep in tonight because all the furniture of the 3 bedrooms is spread all over the house and porch and it is already 2:30pm. I may be sleeping at Rosie’s tonight. With all the furniture shuffling my Internet is disconnected which is adding to my distress. They are messing up my NEST.
Side Note –the guys were done by 6pm that night & I slept in my own house - but not in my bedroom yet (still under construction). Couple of good things that I keep reminding myself - is that most of the dust producing jobs are done and I can now get to my underwear drawers. This means I can start putting all my laundry and other stuff away. I still have lots of pictures to re-hang which is a drag because I am “tool challenged” . I can use a shoe to pound a nail like any other female – but some of the shelves and bigger pictures will need a little more than a shoe. Guess I will have to dig out the hated toolbox. Just 2 or 3 more weeks- maybe. Then my nest will be finished. (for a while)