Paula had two breakfasts in bed this morning - she put down the wrong cabin number so by the time they had figured out where she really located, she had already ordered another meal. Both arrived around the same time so the room ended smelling very "coffee-ish".
Ship stopped for a few hours to evacuate a couple of people that needed medical attention but we are back cruising again. I decided to get acupuncture to see if I can get help unfreezeing my frozen shoulder. It has been getting more and more mobile with my stretching but I figured something else might speed the process along. I now have a poppy seed in my ear. The acupuncturist taped a poppy seed to the edge of my ear. I am supposed to press it to ease the pain in the shoulder. Seems strange but I am pressing away.
I attended a "taking digital picture class" and Paula attended a wine tasting class. The camera class was run by the Microsoft hired computer class teacher. When we first met him he seemed a little arrogant but maybe it's because he is forced to only play with Windows (that would make anyone cranky), but he was a good teacher. Paula's sommelier was a German from Bavaria that did not act like a Nazi. So good sessions for all.
We have to dress up for dinner tonight so Paula is wearing her gold sparkly throwaway top and I am actually wearing a dress. We will get someone to take a photo. Sorry- We forgot to take a photo but Paula was dropping sequins like bread crumbs to and from the dinning hall, after dinner we went to a "name that tune " piano bar thing. I made Paula leave after the guy played the second Andrew Lloyd Weber tune in a row. Still pressing my poppy seed. My ear is a little sore but my shoulder doesn't hurt. Night night