The penguins were still there because they hadn't finished molting yet, so they were huddling together for warmth.
Afterwards we went thru town and got some great hot chocolate, ok internet (as in less than the ship's 2 dollar a minute charge), and a pretty sunny day. Souvenirs were rather expensive - I got a 9 dollar magnet for my refrig- I think that is the most I have ever paid my favorite trip reminder.
When we got back on the ship we went to our South American wine and food tasting. I took a Sine-off so I wouldn't sneeze and itch the entire time I was drinking wine. It worked, but the combination of the two caused me to sleep from 5:30 pm till 6:30 am the next morning. Even though Paula didn't have the anti-histamine as an excuse - she slept that long too. Well maybe it might have been just the wine.
When we got back on the ship we went to our South American wine and food tasting. I took a Sine-off so I wouldn't sneeze and itch the entire time I was drinking wine. It worked, but the combination of the two caused me to sleep from 5:30 pm till 6:30 am the next morning. Even though Paula didn't have the anti-histamine as an excuse - she slept that long too. Well maybe it might have been just the wine.