Sunday, March 2, 2014

Thursday - Cape Horn

Well, we can now wear a gold earring in one ear- or maybe both because our ship did go past it twice. It was early in the morning - Paula slept thru it but I got up and took a photo. Both passes the ship blew its horn. The Chile government has a small military station on the rock. 
Side note- Last night the wind was so strong we could not push open the outside deck door. (No it wasn't locked) They had it listed on the navigation TV channel as 48 mph. We were rocking on the boat but it wasn't bad enough to cause us any lack of sleep.
 Later in the day, we did a couple of the ships activities and listened to two lectures. The guy has one of those voices that sort of lulls you to sleep after about 10 minutes. Make sure you read Paula's blog, she is much more detailed about our onboard activities, I think she actually stayed awake thru both lectures.