Sunday, May 18, 2014

Day 8 Bali

We had a quick stop at the local batik factory then back in the vans for a 3 hr ride. It really wasn't that far in distance, it is just narrow roads and lots of traffic. Another water temple was on our schedule for today but it was farther away and  located  in the center of Bali. It was a much higher  elevation with great views of the terraced rice fields. Temple was built in the 20's but destroyed by the volcano- obviously rebuilt later.

Next stop was the botanical gardens - both the rose garden and orchid garden were out of season. It is hard to believe they the flowers can't bloom all year round because it is so warm here. In the orchid house there were more tags identifying the orchids than the actual flowers. 

Cat poop coffee- yep it is real. Long story short- Dutch forbid the Balinese from drinking coffee so they" found " the undigested coffee bean in the poop of the Luwak ( sort of a cat/fox like animal), clean them up and roasted them. They found that it actually tasted better than regular undigested coffee. Supposedly it goes for 50 dollars a cup - 1000 dollars a pound in the states.