I got up this morning and appreciated my US hair dryer that had some actual heat and some power behind the blow. The power isn't the same in Bali - so the heat and blowing power aren't and will never be the same. Which gently reminds me AGAIN that Eastern and Western Cultures will never be the same - and not because of the type of electrical power that is available-- It is JUST different and that is what makes traveling so educational and mind expanding. You have to adjust. (read this article from a fellow expat teacher, Amanda Roberts in China)
Even though McDonalds, KFC and Pizza Hut seem to be working hard to convert the eastern cultures into 'western consumers' some of those changes are not good for all countries. Bali wasn't (and maybe 'isn't') ready to handle all the non-biodegradable trash that consumers produce. Bali is a breathtakingly beautiful and lush country. The beaches have either black or white sands, the water is clear and the surf is great except for the trash. Trash is a big problem in Bali - but they don't see it as a problem -yet. They are just a generation or two from throwing their banana leaf plates and coconut bowls on the ground where they came from. In 1953 we started educating our consumers with "Keep America Beautiful"/"Don't be a Litterbug" and I betcha you remember the Crying Indian Ad in 1971. We are attempting to deal with our Western consumerism.
Remember Bali is a Eastern culture which is DIFFERENT not right or wrong just different. Their community and religion is their way of life, they look out and care for each other which makes driving on their roads possible - you have to see it to believe it (notice I didn't say 'understand' it). They spend their time and energy differently. This link is a concise list comparing our differences and might help the next time you visit a Eastern culture. When we travel we need to remember to accept and adapt not criticize and attempt to change.
Sometimes I think I like the Eastern values a little more than Western values. Western values seem so 'tiring' to me whereas the Eastern values seem more 'calm' - Maybe it is my age. Don't get me wrong - I am very appreciative at how easy life is for me in the good old USA. I realize I am so lucky to have been raised and educated here but sort of wish some of the Eastern values had been emphasized more in my life and education. I am pretty sure my wonderful and wacky neighborhood has some of that Eastern calm/caring feel about it. Again, I am so blessed in that I got to visit a beautiful and spiritual place like Bali and I get to live in a beautiful part of the United States.
I still have more photos and more info to put up for Bali - but in my jet lagged brain wouldn't let me get past my 'ponderings'. Visit Bali quick before it gets too Westernized and make sure you stay at the Floating Leaf Eco-Retreat before it gets too popular. It just got mentioned as a 'must do' by Tree Top Yoga International and by USA Today as the "Healthiest Destinations for a Culinary Getaway'. Awards can be like a two edged knife - like our little island's award for "America's Favorite Beach Town" BUT will it make it more crowded and not so quaint? Let's hope both our island and Floating Leaf survive and prosper in our new popularity.