Sunday, October 8, 2006
Day 5 - Travel, and Xian
Laura and Margie made the mistake of buying the Chinese Farmer hats on the first leg of the trip so they were stuck with carrying the un-packable and un-hideable hats thru all the airports. How Embarrassing! Laura ended up using hers for a face mask so she could sleep (or maybe to just to hide her face).
After a couple of aborted attempts to get to the correct Beijing airport terminal Robert finally got to hand us off to our next destination and guide. Jeff and Mr. Moo picked us up at Xian Airport and took us to our hotel. This hotel had the nicest room of all three cities. The beds were the softest I have had during my 8 months in China. I was ecstatic! On the ride from the airport we saw lots of small hills in the middle of many of the fields. Jeff told us that the mounds were some of the 300+ tombs for the 70+ emperors and their entourage. Most of them have not been disturbed.
Side note: Xian had very smoggy air which got worse during our visit. We are not sure if it is due to the 7 million people living here or the fires in farmers fields or fires from further away.