Wednesday, October 11, 2006

One More 'Jan' Story

I have a video of JAN RIDING THIS! The movie is great but the photo didn’t do her or her riding skills justice so you’ll have to wait till I get back to see the video. 2 thumbs up! And she didn’t have a stunt double. Margie, who ended up taking the best kid photos ever, took this picture of the boy with his weird scooter. To make it move you have to push your legs apart and then pull them back together. I guess because Jan had conquered the great wall she had enough guts to try this potential bone-breaking contraption. Jan definitely got her moneys worth from this trip!

Side Note: All Chinese kids are great at posing for pictures! Trying to catch them without them posing is the hard part. They usually hold up their fingers in the peace sign position – but I have been told it is the victory sign over here.