Sunday, October 8, 2006

Day 5- Xian, The Foot Massage

After quick run thru of the Xian Museum we had another one of the standard 20 course meals. I don’t know if it is because we’re loawai and they are just trying to impress, but at every “Chinese” meal I’ve been too, there have been so many choices! You get to choose from at least 10 to 15 plates of different types of food that are placed onto the big lazy susan. If the women do all the cooking here – they need to revolt! I wouldn’t do it! Come on now, girls, isn’t it easier to cook 2 to 4 medium size dishes instead of 10-15 small dishes? I just keep thinking of all the prep work they have to do along with all the pots and pans to clean afterward. UGGH. But I have to confess that being on the receiving end of their cooking is sure nice. You have so many different tastes! You can pick what you want to try and not end up eating something nasty like asparagus that was already put on your plate.

Presentation is another thing in China. The food always looks good. Above is one of the fish dishes that we had before the main course of Beijing Duck.